My first big Japanese job fair was a little intimidating at first, but once I got settled into it, it was interesting.
I wasn’t so much here to do the job interview stuff as I was to do some reconnaissance work first.
Getting to the Convention Center from my hotel was a bit of work. I wound up getting off one stop too late, because I didn’t know that there was a line that served the center directly. It’s not on Google Maps. Well, it is, and it isn’t. Google Maps has it marked as a bus stop, but it’s not just any bus stop, it’s the Silver Line, which was apparently supposed to be a subway line, but wound up being an underground electric bus line.
That’s a first for me.
I got to the center, checked my bag, then picked up a bag full of information from the folks. I took a few minutes and looked at the map and the list of companies, and thought about making a plan, then ditched it all and just started walking and talking to people, like I usually do.
I met a lot of interesting people doing interesting things.
I sat through a lot of presentations, too. Some of these companies look pretty interesting.
The main problem for me is that most of them want new college grads, and not experienced people. I just have to keep looking until I find a company that’s the right fit for me. I’m not going to get discouraged that easily.
I say that, but on the way home, the rain was beastly, and the wind was absolutely howling. I got soaked. Good thing I have 2 suits with me.
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