Done with Intro to Music Production

 Education, Music, Technology  Comments Off on Done with Intro to Music Production
Apr 272013

That was fun.

I just finished up the Berklee Intro to Music Production class on Coursera. I learned a lot, and had a lot of fun doing it. I would love to be able to point you to my insanely popular tracks that are burning up all of the interwebs, but I’m still a scrub in that respect. The only way to get good at most things in life is to practice.

My only problem is that I keep coming across new and interesting things to do. Ahh! I need another 10 hours in the day. Someone get on that for me.


 Food  Comments Off on AB!
Apr 192013

I’m a Good Eats fan. I’ve been a fan since the show first came on around 2000 for two reasons. First, Alton Brown is entertaining and writes a really fun and educational show, and second, he teaches the science behind cooking. I respect a well-produced show, and I love science in my cooking.

So it was a thrill to see Alton Brown perform live at DPAC in Durham last night. It was pretty awesome, if a bit random. He’s getting a show ready to take on tour, so things were a little improvised, but it was very enjoyable. He experimented with dry ice, liquid nitrogen, and other fun, moderately dangerous items to make food. Not necessarily the kind of stuff you’ll have lying around the kitchen.

One irritating thing: they said a few times, “No photography, please.” So what did the guy next to me do? Immediately stand up and shoot photos with his cell phone.

Pardon me, while I rest my face in my palm for a few minutes.

Alton did a Q-and-A after the show for about 30 minutes. I had no Qs for him to A, so I just enjoyed listening to everyone else’s questions.

If he comes to your town, I highly recommend checking his show out.

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